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Top Tips - Using Giglets in Class

Here are some top tips from schools and pupils who love using Giglets!

  1. Take some time to get used to using Giglets and make sure you do a whole class introduction. Have fun, read and explore! The pupil checklist the can help you identify areas you might want to go over together as a class.

  2. If you are displaying Giglets in front of your class it’s best to use your virtual pupil account. This means your pupils will see an account just like theirs. No teacher information, book levels, reading ages or interest ages will be seen. Assign texts and tasks to your virtual pupil just like you would assign to your own class, groups or pupils.

  3. You can use shared highlighting to highlight words, phrases and passages of text. Then when your pupils read their book they will see your highlights. You can add notes with additional thoughts, discussion prompts or explanations to support them. Do this by choosing ‘Preview book’ on a book page.

  4. Include Giglets in your class library area. Maybe your pupils want to write and share reviews of Giglets books they have read.

  5. You might have a pupil or two who love using Giglets and are able to support others in your class. Nominate a ‘Giglets Pro’ and see how your whole class can learn from them.

Do you have a top tip for using Giglets? Let us know @Giglets or by emailing

You can download these top tips here:

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